The world teachers day was just celebrated on 5th of October, the celebration made me remember an incident that happened with one of my favourite teachers in primary school. She came in one day and started scolding our class captain, although she didn’t tell us her offence but kept repeating the importance of being reliable and trustworthy. Being the amebo that I was, I couldn’t concentrate in class that day, I needed to get to the root of the matter, and what the heck- they were close, what could have provoked such scolding. I was sometimes jealous of the relationship my class teacher shared with the captain. It was always Funke this! (Not real name) or Funke that! I couldn’t wait for it to be break time to get the full gist. So at break time, Funke told me what happened, the teacher gave her a note to give a fellow teacher but she opened it and was caught by the teacher in the process who in turn reported to my class teacher who was really disappointed. Thinking about it now i realized why my class teacher was really pissed, this was someone she relied on but she just threw the trust out of the window. Funke broke the first rule of every relationship, either between parents and children, between spouses, between an employer and employees. Something about trust is that when it is lost, it is difficult to be regained. It is quite disappointing to be betrayed by someone you trust. Have you ever carried a baby and you throw the child up, do you wonder why he isn’t afraid but smiling and laughing. It’s because he trusts that you would not let any harm come to him. That is the same way it is when someone trusts you and relies on you.

People make mistakes, sometimes very serious ones. What is done is done and you need to just get on with things. In as much as it is difficult to give another chance, i want to encourage those who feel they have been hurt in one way or the other by someone they trusted. What i believe is that one who is sincerely sorry will be indebted to you for the gift of another chance.

I am sure you want to know how it ended between Funke and my teacher, well surprisingly they made up and soon returned to buddies. So dear friend forgive that friend, forgive that spouse, forgive that colleague and let it go, and see how light you will feel. I understand its difficult, especially forgetting but what is forgiving if you keep reminding the erring party of his faults. Why not give a clean slate and watch how things fall into place. Keep moving forward, stop holding back.


Guest Columnist


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